All invitation supplies are in order, and I can't believe how much easier it is to have a local printer working on things... a REAL printer and not a copy center. It makes my heart happy. I'm looking forward to getting covered in glue, stressing about sticking things in straight, and spending more time than I should making sure that each invitation is perfect.
I want the look of the invites to be a surprise, but I will say that I hope the white "gel" pens we got at Hobby Lobby better write on their black card stock, WHICH the printer is cutting for me. Who knew? And for less than $100. (Ok, for now. I'm not letting myself get too set on this)
The to-do list for Spring Break is getting longer, especially when my reading assignments are figured in, but it's also putting a lot of things into perspective. Plus my bonus trip home this weekend will get one component of the day completely knocked out: bubbles. I got the labels to print on my roommate's computer, after much screaming and cursing trying to move it from a Mac to a PC.
Chloe doesn't know it yet, but we're spending some QT together, putting Megan & Joe labels on 150 bubble bottles, perfectly straight, which is tricky because they're shaped like test tubes and not the usual little jar.
Ok, the whole point of this post was to say that I think we've finally figured out the shoes... sort of. Mom did some digging, and found out that Payless dies and ships wedding shoes for free! The shoes are around $40, so the savings could be almost $20 a pair. Score! So here's the deal.
1. They're BOGO 1/2 off.
2. They offer a small selection of wedding shoes, died in 64 colors.
I think I'm going with the Catherine shoe, in their wedding collection. This is really random, but I found a great pair that matches the vintage-feel of everything on Etsy, sold by SlickBettie.... and they're my size!
So, moral of the story is: I'm asking the girls to order either the Audrey Payless wedding shoe or this cute little number my mom saw, also at Payless. I hope this is easy, since they're online or in the store! Here's a peak at what I think Chloe's favoring... I like!

P.S. Can't make it to Payless? Whatev's. Peep-toes are back with a vengeance, so there are similar styles out there.
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