day 12, to the one who caused you pain

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Day 12. The person who caused you a lot of pain

WHY WON'T MY BLOG LET ME USE ITALICS? There is NO code getting in the way. HELP.

A quick note, often jotted down on a Post-It note and tucked into my planner or journal, or even taped to the wall.


Focus on one task at a time. You can't get everything done. Most of your to-do list isn't even mandatory. You will get a story published someday. You will be a "writer" even if you can't write everyday... but you SHOULD keep trying to write most days. You're failing on that one. You can't fail for the day. Take a deep breath. Look at what you got done. Forgive yourself.


Each day, I tell myself I'll be more positive. Each day, I fail at am not very good at doing it. I keep trying, saying things like "I'll do yoga today. I'll do yoga today." This year, it's getting better. So instead of focusing on those that have caused me pain, I'm trying to let all pain–especially self-inflicted–float away like the dry pine needles that are still littering the sidewalks, the bits of Christmas that got kicked to the curb.

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Anonymous said...

i always feel like i need to binge on your blog to catch up. i should try reading a bit every day, but once i get going, it's difficult to stop (yes, you're that fascinating), and since i, like you, always have far too much on my to-do list, i tell myself i'll read you tomorrow. then the next day. then i end up doing this, reading several entries at once!
all that to say, you're on the right track, my friend. and in response to the content of the above post, a book: have you ever read Anne Lamott? she's a friend of mine (she doesn't know it), or the persona of her books is, especially the Annie of Traveling Mercies, Plan B, and a couple of others. she reminds me of you in this post. you might try her out.
love you both.

meganveit said...

i just found this comment, and it made my day. i'm not sure how i missed it. i'm adding anne lamott to my book list, as i live for your book recommendations (always good). as for binging, i do the same on your blog: you're an extra-special weekend treat. love it!

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