WHY WON'T MY BLOG LET ME USE ITALICS? There is NO code getting in the way. HELP.
A quick note, often jotted down on a Post-It note and tucked into my planner or journal, or even taped to the wall.
Focus on one task at a time. You can't get everything done. Most of your to-do list isn't even mandatory. You will get a story published someday. You will be a "writer" even if you can't write everyday... but you SHOULD keep trying to write most days.You're failing on that one.You can't fail for the day. Take a deep breath. Look at what you got done. Forgive yourself.
Each day, I tell myself I'll be more positive. Each day, I
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i always feel like i need to binge on your blog to catch up. i should try reading a bit every day, but once i get going, it's difficult to stop (yes, you're that fascinating), and since i, like you, always have far too much on my to-do list, i tell myself i'll read you tomorrow. then the next day. then i end up doing this, reading several entries at once!
all that to say, you're on the right track, my friend. and in response to the content of the above post, a book: have you ever read Anne Lamott? she's a friend of mine (she doesn't know it), or the persona of her books is, especially the Annie of Traveling Mercies, Plan B, and a couple of others. she reminds me of you in this post. you might try her out.
love you both.
i just found this comment, and it made my day. i'm not sure how i missed it. i'm adding anne lamott to my book list, as i live for your book recommendations (always good). as for binging, i do the same on your blog: you're an extra-special weekend treat. love it!
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