I never expected to have a page like this, but I'm realizing that there are some companies that I adore. I'm excited to share them with people. I'll add to it periodically.
Powell's: the biggest, bestestest used book site
Edun Clothing: sustainable clothing produced in Africa, led by Bono's wife
Ecosystem: environmentally conscious journals that won't fall apart
EOS lip balm: all-natural lip balm that's no more expensive than what you're rocking now
Diva Cup: a money- and environment-saving way to handle your period
Burt's Bees: one of the biggest, oldest all-natural companies
Alba Botanica: all natural skin care (especially love the sun protection)
ONE: my favorite humanitarian nonprofit hosts a "What We're Reading"
Invisible Children: an inspiration to our generation, people our age making a huge change
Oxfam: an amazing humanitarian nonprofit that has fun gift-giving ideas (for example, get a card that says you bought a bee farm for a family in Africa, like I got for graduation)
Real Simple
Organic Gardening books (I have several, so here's a link to Amazon)
Michael Pollan's books
Food, Inc.
The Cove
E Magazine: a great quarterly that can always point you in the right direction
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