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a poet & a one-(wo)man band
ok not exactly

This is us, Megan & Joe, newlyweds. We're traveling, writing, reading, watching the news & the St. Louis Cardinals, learning French and loving our family. Two people living in 182 square feet in a town in northern France that's full of culture, awesome food & cheap bike rentals.

This is our blog.
We're learning domesticity, feminism in "modern" marriages, writing, budgeting & French. We're sharing each step of that journey here.

This is our life.
Joe just earned his MFA in creative writing & scored a position with the French government, working as a foreign language assistant in Nancy. He's teaching English in primary schools, tutoring on the side, writing & publishing poems, & being an all-around great husband.

I've snagged my B.A. in PR & French. Now, we're in France for a year. The Université de Nancy II is gracious enough to pay me to teach English classes. When I'm not teaching, I'm working on backing French desserts & dishes, studying statistics to ready myself for graduate school, playing with photography to increase my PR skills & writing creative nonfiction. Unlike Joe, I've had no amount of success in this category, but I'm finally trying to send things out for publication.

Our main concerns are feminism, sustainable living and how our lives can contribute to these things. We love doing-it-ourselves (from fixing to cooking to traveling/transportation), & this blog is a forum for the intersection of these points–how our family life reflects & is affected by our chief concerns for the larger world.
© 2009 - francofile
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