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Basil Update:

It's hard to believe that these guys have made it this far, but they're inches tall and full of strong leaves. I'm such a proud mother.

Thunder pounded outside of my window a few nights back. I woke with a start as the room flashed with light. I thought of the pots, sitting next to Mom's garden fairy on the back deck. The chive stems seem so weak. After a few hours without direct sunlight, they're drooping. After a few hours of sunlight, their tips are a dark, crinkling yellow.

I was worried about the chive, but already letting go of my hope for it. I was sure that the new pot would be too much for it to handle, that any amount of watering would drown them out.

The basil, however... the basil I had high hopes for. I keep waiting for the day my grandma can offer her garden tomatoes, so that they can be tossed in oil with basil leaves picked moments before the salad was made.

After two more rain storms, the basil has a bit more growth and the chive is still holding on. While they looked a bit droopy at 9 a.m. (when Dad and I were out removing the rain's toadstool explosion), they've straightened up and--dare I say it--gotten a bit better for it. I'm working on my tendency to over-control/shelter/protect things I care about.

I'm learning that not all things can be perfect. Some days, your chive is a little droopy. Some days, the fabric you pinned your pattern to isn't going to lay just the way you'd like.

I started work on the vest yesterday and have a blister on my left hand's index finger. For years, I've checked fabric and craft stores for left-handed shears. I decided that yesterday was the day to go for it anyway. So,with my mom's orange Fiskars (who have a surprisingly good Web site, btw) in hand (the left hand, though they were made for the right) I set to work cutting the purple lining.

A series of curse words followed each cut, then a rearranging of pins and a smoothing of fabric, all followed by a question from my mom., something along the lines of Why don't you let me do that? Do you want me to cut it? Will you let me cut that?

No. No no no. I will do it. I will get three blisters, cut the same spot three times until it goes all the way through the fabric, a bit more deckled (left) than pinked (right).

photos c/o Fiskars

But I did it. I did it, and the pieces are ready to be stitched together, fitted and adjusted. I will then built calluses on my blisters as I cut out the vest material. There are fewer pieces, and I have more experience. I am confident.


Anonymous said...

oh! i meant to tell you that you inspired me to plant sweet basil in a pot :) mine started growing two days ago, and you would have thought i was pregnant. ben was laughing at me: "LOOK AT MY BASIL! LOOK AT MY BASIL!"

meganveit said...

i've become so incredibly attached to mine. we've grown a lot together--funny how that happens. i'm thinking about trying another avocado, even though i'd be leaving it in two months.

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