seemingly unrelated events

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It is St. Patrick's Day. I am not wearing green. I cannot find my umbrella. I can only assume that this is some sort of Irish karma.

There is a 20 percent chance of precipitation, which in Nancy means it will rain for at least three hours today. Most likely while I am walking to my 8 a.m. class. I'll start that walk in ten minutes. Things aren't looking good.

I'm also teaching in French a lot today. The lessons this morning are for students that aren't as good in English, aren't majoring in English, aren't taking any other English classes at the moment. They spend most of their time with me watching the same video on repeat. I try to speak only English, without losing them, because I don't know how else they'll get exposed to it.

Today, we're learning about Casual Friday. We're talking about it in French, since they'll answer exam questions in French. This means that they'll be laughing at me, something they do on occasion when I speak French. They never correct my pronunciation; they never rephrase things I said... so it's not quite the errors. It's just... Well, why not humiliate your teacher when you know a language better than she?

It does not help to point out that the kind, generous teacher does not laugh at the English efforts of the students. So I'm putting on my strong face, and laughing be damned–I'm learnin' 'em good this week. Then I'm going out for lunch with friends. Then I'm teaching. Then I'm going to a gig. Then I'm coming home and crying about how behind I am on my Real Life because of an insane amount of obligations this week.

I want to break free. I want to brea-eak free.

After stopping my typing for a minute to search, I still can't find my umbrella. I did, however, find some "fromage frais" (fresh cheese) in the mini-fridge, chop up some figs & eat it. Nom nom nom. "Fromage frais" is different from "fromage blanc", which is similar to but different than cottage cheese, non of which are actual cheese-in-a-cheese-form cheese–and non of which are yogurt. I know we always thought it was Wisconsin, but France is the Land of Endless Dairy Options. More on this later.

For now, I'm off to teach, leaving too late and walking too quickly. As always. When in France, do as the French. Be late for everything & know that it doesn't matter because you have the authority.

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