And I've been there and back again
The state that I am in
-Belle & Sebastian, "The State that I am in" (lyrics taken somewhat drastically out of context)
Over my last two years of college, my life was spread between three states. I'm a true product of the Midwest. Lately, my mind has been settling back home–not necessarily in the Midwest that I spent hours and days driving across, but in the U.S. I'm missing the States and the bouncing between them. I even miss missing Joe & the excitement that came with a weekend visit to him. I miss calling my family & asking them to come see me for a day.
I miss home. Some days, home is a country whose culture I understand. Most days, that country terrifies me, with its benefits-for-the-rich mentality that means I won't be able to buy insurance/a car/a house for at least a decade. When I think of "home" in terms of the United States, I have more than mixed emotions. I have intense fears.
Today, "home" is Ohio, or somewhere tucked between Ohio and St. Louis. Home is the smell of my parents house, a scent that can still be found inside the stocking I've folded & packed away. Home is my sister & I smearing on facial masks & painting our toes.
I've been thinking about home a lot lately–the one I'm missing & the one I'm longing to create. I have a tendency to look at the next step, always preparing instead of enjoying the experiences that surround me. I've been better at this in France, but after four months I increasingly think of how I want to decorate our apartment (when we have more than three rooms). I create a list of priority purchases. (Do we both need cell phones? How long can we go without a TV? When will we be able to get a tent and start camping? When can I replace my camisoles that are falling apart at the seams after six years of use?)
I imagine what the holidays will be like when we again drive between family visits–how great it will feel to invite the family to our hours for get-togethers & Christmases. I plan DIY projects & figure out what questions I need to ask my dad.
Maybe this urge to start nesting is because the apartment is feeling smaller lately, or because I have no work to distract me. Most likely it's because of this pain in my chest that happens when I think about my family going through difficult times when I'm not there to help.
I've been baking cookies and planning cupcakes and chocolate babka baking. This is how I cope. Under normal circumstances, I would give them to my hurting family members. I started showing my emotions this way when I was in college, but you can't send baked goods back to the Midwest. The cookies sit in a plastic-wrapped bowl, reminding me that for now, there is nothing I can do.
My oven & heart are full of thoughts of Ohio, but they're keeping me warm while a cold rain falls outside. I'll keep myself busy this weekend–between finishing "Natural History of the Senses," a writing assignment I've given myself & assignment grading (pooooop). Then when that's done, I'll make my babka, sit down with a coffee & refuse to let myself be painfully nostalgic.
One of my goals for this year is to enjoy the present more. Not long ago when I was moping around and being depressing, Joe told me exactly that–that I'm depressing. Naturally, this made me cry (as I was already whimpering & thinking about not getting into graduate school). I realized it was true. I focus on a negative future. I refuse to do this anymore.
I'll think about the visits to our apartment, the joy of having our kitchen appliances back, the adventure of our next year of marriage & the many adventures yet to be had in the six months we still have here. I don't want to miss a moment of looking out this window or stepping out our door & embracing the fact that we're in France. For now, which is all that one can control, hope for & be truly optimistic about.
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Hey, Megan. Sorry to hear about your homesickness. All throughout my life, I've moved around so much that "home" is a strange concept for me. I've decided (I think) that home is wherever I am living at the moment. And, for now, home is also where Iris is. I guess, for you, home could be the place you and Joe are. Oh, and on that note, please smack Joe for me for saying that you are depressing and making you cry.
haha–he'll be upset i put that in here. i was already crying, and he was teasing. but then i realized it was true, which was then truly depressing.
there's a song that has a line, "home is wherever i'm with you." we like that and try to live by it, but it's harder than i thought. major kudos for handling it so well!
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