day 2, to my crush

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Day 2. Your Crush


I want to thank you for visiting me in college–not once, but twice in a row. Every. Weeknight.  That kind of dedication says a lot about a person. I appreciate that kind of work ethic and dedication.

I'll be visiting New York next year. My best friend lives there. She thinks I'm visiting her. I'm coming for you. I will stand on the side of the road, flagging cabs all day. I will take a cab to your cab.

Your casual use of the f-word in stand-up tells me we would get along perfectly. Your facial expressions penetrate my soul. Your web site is ridiculously endearing, and I think it was made by your brother (Bill Bailey?)–even better. You're married–EVEN BETTER. It makes things less awkward, as we could just switch spouses. Permanently.

This could be good.

I would be faithful. Unless we ran into your fellow Discovery Channel host, Mike. Things could get ugly.

Is Discovery Channel hiring?

See you soon,

P.S. Please, readers, remember this is a joke. I'd never give up my husband. Don't start offering me your Bailey look-alikes, thinking we could trade. That won't mostly likely will not work.

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