marriage, day 5

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Joe and I are settling into married life. It's still a surprise to look over and see the ring shining on his finger. Now, he's sitting across from me reading the last of our travel writing before we try to write some of our own.

That time is getting close... We're spending a week in Evansville with Joe's family before a goodbye cookout & frantic packing starts back in Ohio. The homesickness is starting to set in. Actually, we were starting to feel it on the honeymoon.

We woke up on Sunday at 8 a.m. We stayed at a bed & breakfast, so I wanted ample time to wash all of the finger waves out of my hair and mascara from under my eyes before we crawled down to the (massive) breakfast our hosts made. After breakfast, we popped back up to the room for a bit more sleeping & realized that we were really missing our families.

It's odd. You prepare yourself for the time away. You feel grown up & ready for this new, permanent phase of life. You go off to start it, & you realize that you never stop needing your parents' advice or your sister's laughter. We talked about it a lot, getting ourselves excited for the changes that will come in these relationships.

They can only get stronger as we begin to share experiences–both with parents, who can offer knowledge, & younger siblings, whom we can impart our "knowledge" on.

The coming days, almost up to our departure, are filled with moments of reliving our wedding. The celebration continues today, planning our next "honeymoon," that first week in France; tonight, when we'll watch the video of our wedding; this weekend with another wedding reception; and next week, when we return home for a family cookout (our first cookout with me & Joe as our own little family).

Okay. Time to start looking at Paris maps & getting excited!


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