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We've been doing a lot of wedding planning lately. I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I've been panicking every day about not reading enough, not writing enough (though an okay amount of blogging has happened).

There are 59 days until the wedding, and honestly, the small spurts of things we're able to accomplish with it are the only things making me feel like I'm going toward some end goal.

Two nights ago, Mom and I sat down to make the "corsages" for the women involved with the wedding. This does not include my sister, the maid of honor, and she's a bit disappointed by that. She's love to snag one of these cameos, an alternative to the typical wedding corsage.

From the beginning, we've been trying to incorporate environmental consciousness into our wedding. Granted, I didn't buy an eco-friendly dress, which would have been my biggest statement, but I do home to find it a new home after the wedding... not immediately after, but I feel that it's a dress someone else would love to (pay a bit to) wear at their wedding. It would be  helping me and saving materials.

That fed into my idea with the cameos--much of the wedding is fueled by art deco elements, so I am trying to keep everything a bit "antique." Cameos are a classic image of that antiquated, romantic femininity. Then, after the wedding the flowers and embellishments can be removed. Voila. A piece of jewelry that is eco-friendly (recycled), trendy (vintage) and rather timeless.

Mom and I, after a bit of a fit where I insisted that she "just DO it because I don't KNOW what I'm doing," were able to get all nine cameos finished. I even did three of them all on my own, for the three ladies that will do readings at our wedding. The readers will get the flowered cameos, all in the same style, while the grandmothers will have unique cameos with a peacock plume on the side. The MOB cameos are larger, with two peacock plumes (sans eye) and two pearl-topped pins. Here's a sample:

So. We're getting there. Next step: pew markers, made with ribbon and.... well, I'm not really sure yet. But we'll figure it out, and they'll magically come together like these did.


Anonymous said...


meganveit said...

thanks so much! they were a lot of fun.

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