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I spent some time out in the flowers yesterday, trying to learn what it takes to not drown or starve the things. It was a big day. I transplanted the basil and zinnias that I started as seeds a month ago. The basil now lives in a small pot on the deck, while the zinnias got planted near the house.

The basil smells like a success. With a few more inches of growth, we could be looking at some great fresh pesto...or some caprese salads with a few of my grandma's tomatoes.

I'm a bit nervous about the zinnias. They're fragile little stems now. It's funny. I was so proud and sure when I looked at them on the window sill. Now, nestled in between my mom's well-established perennials, I'm afraid. I want to stand next to them with an umbrella the second it starts raining.

The chive is still on the window sill, looking a bit droopy and worse for wear. I'm hoping they'll straighten themselves out (literally) with a few days of direct sunlight. They should like the holiday weekend. Then, they can get potted and join the basil. Oooh, and then when they're ready, they can join some goat cheese.

Is there a way to eat zinnias with cheese? If they're is, I'm sure I'll try it. That is, when I'm not trying to eat my milkweed in a stir-fry. Mom said she's planning on taking the "weed" out at the end of summer. We'll see about that.

You can see a few more pictures from Mom's flowerbeds on my photostream.


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